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  • Jon'a

Focus on what's controllable

Two years ago, my husband and I celebrated his birthday surrounded by loved ones. He fought through severe fatigue and nausea to be there. But not celebrating was NOT an option for us. We knew each moment, each day was a blessing, and we loved hard and celebrated everything. That turned out to be the last birthday I would celebrate with him on this earth. The pain of losing him is still very real, especially today. But I’ve worked to process my grief and take the path toward healing.

Though you can’t always control what happens to you in life, you can control how you respond. Too many of us move straight from trauma to a “keep it moving” mentality, and completely skip the healing process, which is in some ways, killing us. This is especially true for women and people of color.

It’s time to move. Move from that place of deep trauma and unresolved hurt (whatever that may be) toward thriving and being the best you possible. But, in order to move you gotta do the work.

Seek a therapist.

Remove toxic people from your life.

Drink more water.

Live on purpose.

Stop pouring on an empty tank.

Stop the negative self talk.

Speak life.

Show up for yourself.

Now is the time. I see you. You’re not in this alone and I’m rooting for you.

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